Theatrical project of UNESCO Creative Cities of Literature
The play is about fate and time, about the past and the present, an ironic and deep story about two early childhood friends living in different countries - Russia and Germany.
The brief description:
The performance arose from the correspondence of the two actors, Jean-Michel Räber and Alexey Khrabskov. They were exchanging e-mails for six months. The dialogue was conducted on behalf of Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stoltz, the main characters of the famous novel "Oblomov" written by the Russian writer I. A. Goncharov. The characters of the performance live in real time in Ulyanovsk (Russia) and Heidelberg (Germany). Both cities are members of the UNESCO international network of Creative Cities in the field of "Literature". Ivan Goncharov, the author of the novel "Oblomov", was born in Ulyanovsk (Simbirsk). During the performance, the actors communicate in Russian and German, with simultaneous translation of the subtitles on the screen.

"If the word "uniqueness" had not depreciated in our time, then I would call the performance "Oblomov - Stolz" unique. It brings together not only two actors from two countries, but also two completely different languages. At the same time over an hour or so the language barrier becomes permeable and the difference between the characters' worldview doesn't seem distinct anymore. It must have been the effect of making boundaries fade that fascinated me so much. I really want the production to have a bright festival destiny, not only in Russia but also in Germany."

(с) Natalya Shatskova, literary editor of "Abyss" app


Maxim Kopylov


Actor, director of the Ulyanovsk Drama Theater named after Ivan Goncharov since 2010.

- Laureate of the Special Prize named after Vladimir Rtishchev for the production of the play "Lysistrata", awarded as part of the X Festival of theaters of the Ulyanovsk region "Litsedei-2016";

- Laureate of the Special Prize of the Russian Federation STD "Hope of the Union" of the V Theater Festival named after Nikolay Rybakov in Tambov for the role of Zuriko in the play "I, Grandma, Iliko and Illarion" (2011);

- Laureate of the prize of the Ulyanovsk community in Moscow "Achievement" of the Festival of theaters of the Ulyanovsk region "Litsedei" (2012);

- Laureate of the Special Prize "For Contribution to the Work of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation" of the X Festival of Theaters of the Ulyanovsk Region "Litsedei-2016"

(Ulyanovsk, Russia)

Aleksey Khrabskov-Volnyi
Oblomov, scriptwriter
Artistic managing director of the “Ulyanovsk Youth Theatre”, artist and a front man of Ulyanovsk drama theater named after I.A. Goncharov, head of the dramatics department of Ulyanovsk State University, Candidate of pedagogic sciences.
(Ulyanovsk, Russia)
Jean-Michel Räber
Stoltz, scriptwriter
Swiss actor and writer. He has performed in numerous theaters in Germany, France and Switzerland and has written over 20 plays, which have been staged in Germany, Switzerland and France. He is also the author of several radio plays, which have been aired on German and Swiss radio stations. He won the renowned Jugendtheaterpreis Baden-Württemberg 2006 for Best Play for young audiences.

(Heidelberg, Germany)

Yuri Kudriavtsev

Actor of the Ulyanovsk Youth Theater.

Graduated from Ulyanovsk State University in 2012 with a degree in Acting. In 2013-2015. - Actor of the Omsk Drama Theater. Since 2017, Yuri has been playing on the stage of the Ulyanovsk Youth Theater. Laureate of the regional festival of theaters of the Ulyanovsk region "Litsedei-2019" in the nomination "New name on the theater stage".

(Ulyanovsk, Russia)

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